You can level up by cooking and visiting your neighbors.
- You get experience for prepping a dish. Most dishes take two-three clicks to prep, which means you get experience for each click.
- You get experience for serving a dish. Each dish has a different hidden amount. Bacon Cheeseburgers for example give 3 exp when you serve them, while Super Chunk Fruit Salad gives 10 exp when served. The general rule is the longer it takes to cook, the more experience you will get when served.
- You get 1 exp when cleaning your stove after serving something. No matter what you cooked, it’s 1 exp.
- You get 5 exp when visiting neighbor’s cafe’s and eating their specialty dish. After visiting 20 neighbors in one day, the number is lowered to 1 exp per neighbor.
As you level up, you will obtain stoves, counters staff and new dishes to cook. Stoves and dishes are probably your main concern when leveling up. You can never have too many stoves.