Sunday, December 27, 2009

New Dishes Arrived on 12.23.2009

Today new dishes arrived in Cafe world. Creme Fraiche Caviar, looks so sweet, but it cost 600 coins and only profit 72 coins in every cooking. Lemon Butter Lobster, really a most most sumptuous meal. It’s required level 64 and will give you a big profit.

Name: Creme Fraiche Caviar
Level: 32
Cost: 600 Coins
Ready in: 30 minutes
Servings: 84
Earns: 8 coins per customer, 672 coins total. 2 CP per step (3 steps), 15 CP for serving, 1 CP for cleaning, 22 CP total.

Name: Lemon Butter Lobster
Level: 64
Cost: 2200 Coins
Ready in: 2 hours
Servings: 300
Earns: 9 coins per customer, 2,700 coins total. 9 CP per step (3 steps), 40 CP for serving, 1 CP for cleaning, 68 CP total.
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