Saturday, January 9, 2010

Cafe World New Sci-Fi Dishes

Cafe world released 2 Sci-Fi dishes on 2010.01.08, spoiled soup and brain… that must be crazy. There are also some other new mystery items added.

Name: Stardust Stew
Level: 14
Cost: 1000 Coins
Ready in: 9 hours
Servings: 425
Earns: 6 coins per customer, 2550 coins total. 6 CP per step (3 steps), 120 CP for serving, 1 CP for cleaning, 139 CP total.

Name: Martian Brain Bake
Level: 37
Cost: 2200 Coins
Ready in: 24 hours
Servings: 1560
Earns: 5 coins per customer, 7800 coins total. 11 CP per step (3 steps), 280 CP for serving, 1 CP for cleaning, 314 CP total.
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