Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Have You Ever Received ‘Tips’ From Your Friends?

Every cafe world players know that as visiting friends’ cafe we can leave a free tip to give them extra coins.

Yes, Our neighbors just did the same thing just like we did again and again. But have you ever received any tips from your friends?

We earned nothing from tips! It is another big problem in cafe world. Here is a reply from Zynga on explaining this problem:

Thanks for contacting Zynga.

Currently there is a known issue with Tips being reported correctly. When a neighbor visits your Cafe and chooses to leave a tip, a small amount of coins are added to your total at the time if their visit. When you return to your Cafe the notification states that you made 0 in tips even though those tips have already been added to your total. We are working hard to identify and fix this issue so that tips can be reported correctly again.

Thank you for your patience during our Beta period and Happy Holidays!

Zynga Customer Support

Hope they can pay more attention to fix all issues in cafe world like what they do in farmville!

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